Compact aluminum cutter APC20A

Compact aluminum cutter  APC20A

Lightweight with aluminum handle!
(40% lighter compared with steel handle in the same)

・Easy to cut with open wide cutting edge
・Selectable 2 holes for anti-drop hook
・Easy to grip owing to the left-right unsymmetrical grip
・Luminous grip can help your work in dark place



Compact aluminum cutter  APC20A

品番 商品重量 寸法1 寸法2 参考価格 備考
APC20A 160g 215mm 38mm オープン価格 Cutting capacityФ(mm): ①Soft material 4.0, ②Soft steel 4.0, ③Hard steel 2.0
①Soft material: Copper pipe and electric wire
②Soft steel: Steel which less than 80HRB in hardness, less than 490N/mm2 in tensile strength
③Hard steel: Steel which less than 31HRC in hardness, less than 980N/mm2 in tensile strength
  • Hole for anti-drop hook①

    Hole for anti-drop hook①

  • Hole for anti-drop hook②

    Hole for anti-drop hook②

  • Example of use

    Example of use


・Do not use this tool on live parts. The grip is not insulated.


※ 寸法・重量などは公称値ですので、多少の数値の上下があります。
※ 改良の為、仕様等を予告なく変更することがあります。
※ 記載の価格は「参考価格」で消費税は含まれておりません。