Grip adapter GR808R

Grip adapter GR808R

Makes the J-CRAFT series easier to use!

・When attached to one handle, the grip adapter serves as a grip.
・When attached to both handles, the grip adapter serves as a simplified spring.
・The grip adapter can be attached to your nippers and long-nose pliers. (Available size: 150 mm only)
・Serves as a grip in which you can put your fingers to enable stable work.
・Serves as a simplified spring which is useful for continuous work.
* The color of the grip adapter included in the set product is black.(Note that it is not red.)

【 How to use the product 】

Serves as a grip for holding tools
at oily or other work sites
where the tool may easily slip from one’s hand.

Serves as a simplified spring
that facilitates continuous
work over extended periods of time.

※ If the tool handles do not smoothly open and close,
 the grip adaptor cannot be used as a simplified spring

★To download the catalog, click here.
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【 Introduction of set product 】


* The photograph shows the J150KNG set product.
* The color of the grip adapter included in the set product is black. (Note that it is not red.)
Product No. Contents 
 J150KNG Heavy-duty nippers (J-CRAFT series) J150KN + Grip adapter (black)
To access the webpage for J150KN, click here.
 J150RG Long-nose pliers (J-CRAFT series) J150R + Grip adapter (black)
To access the webpage for J150R, click here.
 J150RBTG Long-nose pliers with vertically angled tip (J-CRAFT series) J150RBT + Grip adapter (black)
To access the webpage for J150RBT, click here.
 J150RBG Angled tip long-nose pliers (J-CRAFT series) J150RB + Grip adapter (black)
To access the webpage for J150RB, click here.
 J150RSTG Stainless steel long-nose pliers (J-CRAFT series) J150RST + Grip adapter (black)
To access the webpage for J150RST, click here.


Grip adapter GR808R

品番コード 商品重量 寸法1 寸法2 寸法3 セット内容 材質、表面処理 参考価格
GR808R 3g 94mm 8mm 3mm Grip adapter (red) sold by itself Rubber オープン価格


・Do not use the grip adapter for fall-preventive purposes.


※ 寸法・重量などは公称値ですので、多少の数値の上下があります。
※ 改良の為、仕様等を予告なく変更することがあります。
※ 記載の価格は「参考価格」で消費税は含まれておりません。