Nut rivet setter (attachment) @N10d

Nut rivet setter (attachment) @N10d

* This is no longer produced.
 Please see the product page of successor model

・Need a rechargeable drill driver (14.4V with torque adjustable function).

★ How to operate Attachment Nut Rivet Setter @N10d

① Lobster Blind Nut Rivet (M5 Steel)
② Make a prepared hole which is 0.1mm larger than dia. of the nut rivet.
③ Check if the nut rivet can insert to the prepared hole.
④ Equip @N10d into the drill driver.
⑤ Make sure @N10d set in place.
⑥ Adjust torque of the drill driver. (*1)
⑦ Make sure if the proper size of the mandrel is equipped.Then, spray lubricant oil on it.(*2)(*3)
⑧ Set the rivet nut into the mandrel.
⑨ Insert the rivet nut into the prepared hole.
⑩ Hold the grip firmly and rotate the drill driver clockwise pushing a little to the object.
⑪ After fastened, rotate the drill driver in anti-clockwise direction and remove the tool from thr nut rivet.
⑫ Finised.

(*1) Refer to "Required torque" in the instruction manual.After adjust the torque, conduct a riveting test.
(*2) Select the proper size of the mandrel.There are 3 sizes (M4, M5, M6) of the mandrel packed into the package.
(*3) The lubricant oil (5ml) comes with the package.

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Nut rivet setter (attachment) @N10d

品番コード 商品重量 寸法1 寸法2 寸法3 寸法4 寸法5 寸法6 使用範囲 参考価格 備考
@N10d 430g 175mm 55mm 49mm 26mm 17mm 8mm M4,M5,M6 *Can not use for stainless nut rivet オープン価格 14.4V Drill driver


・Be sure to read the instruction Manual and important Usage Advisery carefully and make sure that you understand them thoroughly before using this tool.
・Consider carefully the work condition. By continuous use, the drill driver becomes very hot.
・Always cool down the tool at continuous use every 10 operations.
・If using the drill drive other than 14.4V, check if it can work or not before use.
・The tool is made for the drill driver. Do not use the tool with the impact driver and the pneumatic one.


※ 寸法・重量などは公称値ですので、多少の数値の上下があります。
※ 改良の為、仕様等を予告なく変更することがあります。
※ 記載の価格は「参考価格」で消費税は含まれておりません。