Blind nut rivet with serration (large flange)/NSD-MRPS small Package Steel material

Blind nut rivet with serration (large flange)/NSD-MRPS small Package Steel material

To fulfill your demands for just a little more・・・

・Now on sale, Small package!
・Available in M4, M5, and M6/Large flange(NSD MR).

[Lineup of package types and number of nut rivets]
• For information on with serration/large box, click here
• For information on without serration, click here.
• For information on without serration/small Package, click here.



Blind nut rivet with serration (large flange)/NSD-MRPS small Package Steel material

Blind nut rivet with serration (large flange)/NSD-MRPS small Package Steel material

品番 寸法1 寸法2 寸法3 寸法4 寸法5 入数 せん断強度(kN) トルク強度(N・m) 適合(適用)ネジ 参考価格 備考
NSD4MRPS 11.3mm 9.0mm 6.0mm 0.8mm 0.5~2.5mm 16 6.7 5.9 M4x0.7 オープン価格 Base hole:φ6.1mm
NSD5MRPS 12.5mm 10.0mm 7.0mm 1.0mm 0.5~2.5mm 14 10.8 9.3 M5x0.8 オープン価格 Base hole:φ7.1mm
NSD6MRPS 16.0mm 13.0mm 9.0mm 1.5mm 1.0~3.5mm 10 19.6 17.6 M6x1.0 オープン価格 Base hole:φ9.1mm
  • NSD-MR



・Comply with given limits for appropriate material thickness and Ф of base hole, and consider carefully safety factor.
・Before starting work, always read the instruction manual for your nut revet setter.
・"Tensile" strength in above list means "Thread strength of nut rivets".


※ 寸法・重量などは公称値ですので、多少の数値の上下があります。
※ 改良の為、仕様等を予告なく変更することがあります。
※ 記載の価格は「参考価格」で消費税は含まれておりません。