・For high-strength construction rivets.・For Φ6.4 mm stainless steel rivets.・High-speed, high-powered for easy riveting.・Fastest riveting cycle time in its class.
※1 Cycle time achieved when riveting Lobtex Φ6.4 mm stainless steel rivets with a fully charged battery pack mounted on the riveter. ※2 When the included battery pack is mounted on the riveter. ※3 The riveter is shipped with the nosepiece (6.4), guide pipe unit (6.4) and ball screw joint collar (6.4) preassembled. ※ Charging time will vary with battery pack and charging (ambient temperature, etc.) conditions. ※ The R2B2 works also with the BPL1820 and BPL1840 used to power the Lobtex R2B1 cordless riveter. ※ Same charger included with the Lobtex R2B1 cordless riveter. Download Manual ↓ ↓ ↓ Download ( Cordless riveter R2B2 )
※ 寸法・重量などは公称値ですので、多少の数値の上下があります。 ※ 改良の為、仕様等を予告なく変更することがあります。 ※ 記載の価格は「参考価格」で消費税は含まれておりません。 ご購入の際はLOBSTER(エビ印)商品の取扱店にご確認ください。
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