1/4" VARIO system hose segment with mounting lug V4150


Ultimate model of adjustable segment hose!

・The VARIO system can be adjusted while attached to machines.
・Almost no spring-back. The direction can be freely set.
・The hose is not straightened by water pressure.

・The VARIO system is easy to connect and disconnect.
・There is almost no change in the material and functioning, even if it is used at 100"C.
・The operating pressure is limited to 5 kg/cm2 (air pressure) and 3 kg/cm2 (liquid pressure).
・The material is polyacetal resin that provides resistance to alkaline substances and weak acids.
・Provides excellent insulation performance, free from rusting.
・Using the check valve enables pressure and quantity to be freely adjusted.





品番コード 商品重量 寸法1 寸法2 寸法3 寸法4 寸法5 入数 参考価格
V4150 3.0g 33.0mm Φ16mm 12.5mm 3.0mm 2.0mm 10 オープン価格


・Before use, check for cracks or breaks. If anything strange is found, do not use this product.
・Because the mounting part is hard, the component may be difficult to mount. If you apply excessive force to fit the component by tapping it with a hammer or the like, it may cause injury to your hand or damage the VARIO body.
* You can easily attach or detach the VARIO system by using the optional assembly pliers.
・Observe the withstand pressure (air pressure: 5 kg/cm2, liquid pressure: 3 kg/cm2). Avoid applying pressure abruptly.
・Observe the withstand temperature of 100°C.
・Never attempt to use the VARIO system for weak acids.
・Do not allow anyone other than authorized personnel to enter the work site.
* Keep this product out of children’s reach.


※ 寸法・重量などは公称値ですので、多少の数値の上下があります。
※ 改良の為、仕様等を予告なく変更することがあります。
※ 記載の価格は「参考価格」で消費税は含まれておりません。